An Interesting Story

Source Source Source Source Source Source Sitting ontop of pairs of shoes, a mirrior hanging over my head, and the floorboard covered in clothes proved to be a worse experince than if I would have just sucked it up and driven myself. Source

I’ve been asked to write a short interesting story in my media class.


Let me take you back to about fifteen minuted before I walked into this very class I sit in.


My two flat mates and i are in a heated debate, arguing over who should drive us to our class.


I, having driven us the previous days, wasnt very inclinded to drive us.


After several heated minutes of debate and me fighting my way into not having to drive we settled on one of my friends driving.


Little did I know he still hasnt taken all of the stuff out of his car from move-in day and I would be sandwiched in his backseat struggling to have any room to be cofmfortable.


Sitting ontop of pairs of shoes, a mirrior hanging over my head, and the floorboard covered in clothes proved to be a worse experince than if I would have just sucked it up and driven myself.



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